Friday, December 26, 2008

Urban Outfitters, I hardly knew you.

So this is it. Goodbye Urban Outfitters. Well, more like "see you later".
I get very nostalgic when I think about my nine fun filled months working downtown at Urban Outfitters. I never knew I would experience what I did there. I can see myself now begging my rents to let me at least apply downtown. I didn't want to work at Metrotown, so I made sure they we're cool with it. Dad wasn't cool with it, but I didn't think I'd get the job. I wanted to stand out so I'm sure you all know I made sure of that with my infamous kiss-ass resume with pieces of the Urban Outfitters bag glued on to it, a picture of myself and more self-selling than I've ever read. When I find it, I'll post it on here. It's pretty good.
Skip to my first interview with Kyle and Melissa, along with Jill and the other chick who had no fucking clue what she was talking about.
Skip to taking that test sweating my palms off trying to answer correctly.
First shift with Kat, whatever happened to her and getting trained by Catherine.
The rest is history. Through nine months at a retail store, who knew I would make life long friends, experience belly laughs, tears in the office, dealing with shoplifters, sweating my ass off finding shoe sizes, wanting to kill myself with the RF gun, and get my heart teased and broken before my eyes. It's all part of the retail world downtown. And I wouldn't change any of it, except for maybe the incident on Wednesday. (See my post before this)
-Tiu-Wen, you're the coolest boss. I hope you go on to make millions and become the most successful business woman. The female Donald Trump.
-Walter, i'm no longer scared of you. I'm happy I have the title of your favorite employee. When i come back i'll make you and Jean-Pierre proud.
-Troy, grandpa, don't hate your grandson. We're family. I'll come by sometime with a chocolate covered baby and we'll talk about our lives.
-Michelle, you big gypsy, thanks for being the best manager ever. I hope you find a husband and i better be invited to your wedding.
-Marshall, my uncle, thanks for setting me straight by telling me i was a "not all there". It was a good kick in the ass to do a better job. I hope you're life turns around by the time I'm back.
-Melissa, you hired me, what else could i thank you for. I'll bring you an oat fudge bar complimentary of the ginger baldness at Starbucks one of these days.
-Calvin, don't really know you all that well, but it's been good.
-Babyliss, thanks for the cookies. I hope you find yourself a nice jewish clubbing partner.
-Galgore, hey, see you at school.
-Lincole, you will be greatly missed. But don't worry i'll pick you up every friday night to skytrain with you and hear the hot goss with mcflurries.
-Jillionaire, we get hired together, we die together.
-Katie, let's talk on facebook chat. We're good at that.
-Jeff, i hope you know you owe me for that polar bear cookie. jokes.
-Alex, PG represent!
-Alyssa and Nick, have a good trip back to Tdot. Maybe i'll see you some day.
-Chris Ferroux, you are a very good runner. You actually run. That's good.
-Jessica, i'm happy you finally got some sleep now that you're not at the restaurant.
-Lou mama, you're a good guy. That's all i can say.
-Mika, i'm all full up on your love.
-Molly, i'll never forget you drinking from the water cooler on the ground. Classy.
-Heather Ferroux, stick around. Shoes needs your skills.
-Kari Underwood, good times on the skytrain. Sorta. See you around!
-Louise, i'll definitely see you in the VIP section at Stone Temps with your boyfriend Rick Ross. You're my savior when it comes to cash.
-Mijung, don't miss me too much. I know it makes your day when i'm there. Not.
-Big Time Tones!, when i get back you better be nominated for an oscar. Or else. HAIRSPRAY4EVER.
-Calla, even though you think i don't eat and give me the evil eye, you know you're one of my faves. Delta represent!
-Meg, OC Scene Face-off. That's all i can say. Carmeg4ever.
-Catherine, you read the book with me on my first day, and i will miss you.
-Donny, my father, find me a good mother. You are my main man at this store. Forrealz.
-Jaderade, come see me in my play for sure. I'm happy I can fulfill your Zac Efron fantasties by just walking around you.
-Carson, you're a creep. But it's ok.
-Brettney Spears, i don't blame you anymore. Friends.
-Tammy and Shannon, keep doing what you're doing. The store always looks freakin amazing.
-Aaron Morten, meow.
-Roy, i never see you because you work mornings, but that's ok. Good working with you.
-Jeanette, i guess i'll pay for our baby. But while i don't have a job now you'll have to do it. Oh well.
-Bronagh (Bona), DICK TO FITS, I love you. You're the Vanessa to my Zac hahaha. See you on webcam.
-Ashleigh, i'll see you in vancouver around sometime. I usually do :P
-Maiko, when i'm 19 i'll for sure come see you dance at the clubz.
EVERYONE ELSE! I never got to really know you, but i'll miss you. You've all been a great part of my Urban Experience.
Oh, and yeah, Jen Kenny. i have to much to say to you. hopefully you're allowed to talk to me still, but thanks for making me stick around instead of quitting after 2 months. After all, you're kinda the reason. but everyone knows that.

Anyways, it's been a killer time. Thanks for making it what it was. I'll see you in April if you still work there. Please stick around and come see me in Bye Bye Birdie! March 26, 27, 28!
I know you will all miss my pouty face and constant growling.

Parkerlyfe, out.


Danielle Raianen said...

tears are streaming down my face just so you know

Anonymous said...

you forgot your english lovers. offended.