Thursday, December 25, 2008

a christmas eve story: parkerlyfe edition.

happy holiday's parkerlyvers.
i hope you all get amazing gifts and get fat off turkey that you are so satisfied and drink lots of cocoa, wear christmas sweaters and carol to your wits end. i, unfortunatley, will be doing none of the above. except maybe for the get fat off turkey part, but you know that happens everyweek.
today was christmas eve. it was a 50/50 good/bad day. here's how it all went down gang:
i woke up pretty early deciding that i wanted to look good for work and be there on time, actually with so much time to spare that i could get a coffee, well actually an earl grey tea misto, from starbucks. the snow however had different plans. my dad thought it would be hip to drive me to the closest station to his work, Holdem, a station i've never even heard of since i'm always on the otherside with royal oak and shiz. anyways, the snow made sure i was 45 minutes late and very cold with the delays at the stations. BOO! not happy at all. so i stumbled into work wet and upset and feeling guilty for being so late. but here's where the day flips to good. i had a good day at work! i worked out cash, met nice last minute xmas shoppers, got that tea misto on my break and the works! weooo! good. the day actually went by very fast, considering it was a usually long 9-5 thinger. 

ok, flip back to bad. extremely bad. nightmarishly bad.

so brynne comes in a meets me at work at 5 when i got off after i broke even with cash (thats good). since it's my last real day with 40 percent discount, i thought it would be good to by some stuff, try some stuff on blah blah blah blah. brynne did too considering she's my discount getter. anyways, at cash wrap, she thought it would be funny to force me to buy nail polish for her, since she bought me coffee the other day. i told her no even though i would buy it for her (4$, whatevs) but she put it in my pocket thinking i knew it was there. so when i get to cash, i grabbed another nail polish for her and wrung it up and she thought it was the one in my pocket. not so much. so tiu-wen comes and checks me out at the door and i have no idea what's about to happen when i'm patting my pockets and holy shit there is nail polish in there.

what a nightmare. 

i know she understands but still, i wanted to end my time at urbz on a good note. now it's going to be lurking in everyones minds the whole "what if he was trying to pull a fast one". i feel like shit. so does brynne. fuck i still feel sick.

anyways so i left wanting to throw up all over the sidewalk but then i went to crystals and she made a nice dinner where me her and brynne ate a loaf of bread and ben and jerrys, listened to much dance 2000 and drank cheap wine. then, we went hope and took a blow up boat down a hill in new west and that was fun. 

and here i am. you're all waiting for santa to drop down your chimney. i'm blogging on parkerlyfe. i bit the inside of my tongue and i'm definitely going to have a canker and my feet are very dry. i think the winter does it to them.
so yeah. everyone have a good time celebrating christmas.  

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