Saturday, August 2, 2008

the shortest trip in the world

i went to kelowna for 16 hours today. 5 of which i was sleeping. that is officially my record for shortest trip evs. 
though it was short, it was lots of fun. i'm surprised! i wasn't it expecting to be all that fun but it really was. hopefully i get pics up soon or whatevs. 
it was a Grease themed grad party. grease reminds me of when i had a face full of acne and grease dripping onto my shirt, so i decided to take a Hairspray approach to the party just to avoid bad memories. also, i had to live up to my apparent zefron resemblance. not really.

maxi decided it would be a good idea to break out of his cage which is my parents bedroom and roam around the construction zone. this meant him prancing around in wet cement, which crusted to his feet within the hour. now he regrets breaking out. my mom is picking out the cement blocks from his paws i feel kinda bad. but he's alright, if you should no. no one died! 

and today is seth's bachelor thing. i'm going into a forest to hunt my friends with air-soft guns so expect alot of complaining in tomorrows post cause i can tell i'm gunna get shot right in the eye, or in the back of the throat. urhhhhhhhh.

i go back to school in one month exactly today. HISSSSS

Thursday, July 31, 2008


yes. i'm sorry i've been missing in action the past few days. all my millions of devoted fans (i guess theres actually only about 8) i'm sorry to let you down. there are reasons! 
of course, the house is being renovated. i am becoming less and less happy about this. i kinda liked it before when it was ugly and outdated. this weeks problem was the tiling which just so happened to be in the hallways leading to my computer. the tiler, one of the 4295872 workers in my house drilling and smashing at 8 am and then happily greeting me as i walk down the stairs in my pajamas with sleep crust oozing out my eye, was not happy that i was trying to get to the computer. he's all like "i'm sure you can go a few days without your computer." 


i tried to think of ways to get to it. pole vaulting perhaps? using my kangaroo shoes to launch across my hall into the room? both had really bad possible outcomes. i had to endure. 
NORMALLY i would have just been happy checking using my cell phone to check facebook and all that shit i do on the computer, but thanks to my father i no longer have internet on my phone. well actually, i guess it's thanks to me and my 430$ internet charge for june alone. what i like to be up to date even on the skytrain! anyways, excuses aside. the tile has set. yippie ki yay. i'm back. the blogs back. you're happy. i'm happy. whatever.

so for the past few days i've just been you know, doing what i usually do. i should be in New York City right now, but just like the reason for all bad things it's the kitchens fault. FUCK THE KITCHEN! instead, i'm here in vancouver. here's a brief low down of what i've missed blogging about since my last post.
friday, ya i went to playland. woo..
saturday, i wasted my whole day waiting for the goddamn fireworks, they were good, i'm sure you all saw them no need to explain shit, walked like a pilgrim though davie st. after that and ate a classy din denny's with all the social regects and high school drug addicts that are now 40 and work at denny's. hopefully that's me one day. 
sunday, worked. i folded.
monday, worked. reunited with crystal and boozed. i'm becoming more of a low life everyday.
tuesday, worked. actually, i didn't just work i worked my tits off and i'm pretty effing proud of myself. 
wednesday was the day off and i saw step brothers which is actually hilarious considering i usually hate will ferrell. go see it! it's not as good as batman though. obviously.
today i worked a short shift and ate steak.
tomorrow, i discovered i'm going to kelowna. expect more posts about my day adventure to the land of the people who think i work at Urban Planet and where seeing movies is like clubbing.
thanks for reading this whole mess, i'm surprised if you even made it to here. this was a long post. too long. sorry for the big wait!