Thursday, November 6, 2008

lyfe is a dream.

k i've been so busy the past few days it's ridiculous. BAD BAD BAD TIMES! musical here, work there, school, college application time and the works. i'm going to pop with stress and it's starting to become more and more noticable. i'm starting to look like shit everyday, i'm getting pimples, my pants are getting baggy. i'm just not myself! ugh. good thing i'm leaving vancouver and going to live parkerLYFE with rachel in prince george. i can't wait to get away. but when i get back i'm sure it's going to be helll all over the place again. i never really get a break.

today, i waited for the bus for an hour in the pouring rain. when it finally came after an hour, it drove past me. i was cold and wet. and mad.
my mom picked me up and drove me to the skytrain, which when i got on, was delayed. 
the reason i was getting on the skytrain was to go downtown and pick up my backpack i forgot at work, and therefore fell behind badly in school cause of. 


bottom line is i can't wait till the day is when i'm passing all my classes, the musical is done and i move on with my lyfe. UGH. 
i'll be sure to update the blog more when i'm less full up with shit to do. hope you're all well. 

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