Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"you're the guy that get's left by his wife"

today i danced quite a bit. well, sort of. i did alot of cheesy broadway moves. 
i've decided parkerlyfe lacks something. i think it's videos. i'm going to start video taping segments of my life, it will ALLL be reality nothing will be rehearsed like the hills. it's straight up parkerLYVIN. yes, that's what i'll call it. YES!!!!!
other than that, i went to school 30 seconds after i woke up so i looked and felt wonderful today. good thing i didn't have to go to work. that would have sucked showing up in sweat pants and a hoodie. fired.
other than this exciting times, i ran N-Grub today again with just emma and we are the worst employees there so that was a bust. we pretty much served frozen hot-dogs saying they were cooked. next thing you know i'm going to be appologizing on TV like the maple leaf guy for all the deaths i've caused due to samonela hot dogs and un-boiled water. *sigh*
tonight there is a big meeting for the Bye Bye Birdie's cast PARENTS where they can get all the info they want. i could go if i wanted but really i don't. the rents will go and get my schedule which will help me alot in the upcoming decisions of when i'm available to work. ahhh.
so, today wasn't as exciting as yesterday. whatever. i'll end my post with 5 interesting facts about myself which you probably never knew.

1. i have no canine teeth, they were grinded to oblivion. 
2. i hate all things to do with pickles.
3. i was a jaundice baby and i had to lay in the sun my first 2 weeks of life to turn me from simpson to human.
4. my biggest fear is needles.
5. i bite my finger nails.

parkerlyfe, out

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