Tuesday, October 14, 2008

bigger things

hello friends.
today was nice. i guess. i ran the school store in the morning, we ran out of the pizza pops so some customers were not impressed. i'm going to be a sucessful entrepreneur one day...maybe. then, i had math, and yes i'm still doing all my homework! hurra! A+ is coming my way!!!!!!!!!! i only have 5 letter grades to go up! marketing, whatever. accounting, whatever. there that was my day at school. after school, i was pleasantly surprised to get a call from Naomi! one of my favorite people who moved home from edmonton, coincidently the same time that jen left. hm. was this some sort of a plan? anyways, i caught up with Naomi and ate fish and chips and just made me extremely happy because i've missed being around fun people. it's seems like the past few months i've met some dull people that have entered and left my life quickly and quietly. oh well, i can't keep up. cool!!!!!!!!
i talked to rachel on the phone today for a bit and discussed quite a few things and i feel really good about stuff. really good! i'm happy that this long distance relationship is lasting despite everyone booing it and throwing tomatoes at it. when life gives you tomatoes, i say fuck that tomatoes and bail! haha, forgetting sarah marshall joke. good movie.
not everything was good today. i'm a little bit aggravated by some decisions that my friends make, not to say i dont love em' any more or less, just aggravating. oh well, i can't make up my friends minds. even though if i could think of all the posibilites.

ahhh :)

but back to reality, it's not going to happen. shit, i need to go to the gym. i'm staring at my gut right now and sooner or later i'm going to be the un-movable man perched in his laz-e-boy. that's a beautiful image. i wonder if urban outfitters would let an excesively obese man work for them? they would probably demote me to backstock only.
the biggest news of the day was that my couchs came back from the warehouse after a long few months without anywhere to sit in my house but the floor. stupid renovations, can't wait for them to be OOOVER!
tomorrow is the first rehearsal for the musical. the first of many, i might add. attention all urban employees, my decision is made. i've decided i'm going to be working something out with management of urban and the director so i will not be quitting UO any time soon! my future is bright! i know, i know, keep clapping. things are getting bigger and better for the lyfe of parker mcmullin, and they are not stopping here. wooooo!
parkerlyfe, out.

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