Tuesday, August 19, 2008

in better news

now that i'm done complaining it's time for some better news. 
hmm what really is good. i guess i didn't notice all the new stuff at the store which there is alot of and i'm going to buy it all. hopefully i can whip up a few grand for back to school shopping.
back to school......i have mixed feelings about this. i like going back because the first week is so chill and you get to wear all your new clothes and show off your new shit but then third week you're like damn 10 months of this. 
i've also been thinking about some more exciting things that happen when you're in grade 12 like grad photos which is going to be cool. i've always wondered what mine were going to look like. grad survey. i hope i get something. i probably wont. best dressed would be sweet. or most likely to get famous, if that one even existed. they could make it for me. 
oh, since the last photoshoot back in june, i guess all the vancity photographers saw the pics and this other photographer grahem wants me to be a part of his next photoshoot! yippee!! i'm kinda doubting it's gunna happen but you know. it's still pretty cool.

september is almost here and it's time for me to decide what show's i'm going to watch. obviously Survivor, cause it's the best. SEASON 17! wow. i'm definitely gunna watch 90210, just cause i've missed a lame teen soap all year since the cancelation of the oc. gossip girl is lame. so is one tree lame. hopefully i can watch Heroes, cause it's sweet. i think i'm too far behind with Lost. you could say i am LOST! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
not even funny.
i'm super tired. i feel like i haven't slept in such a long time i'm gunna turn into Gollum from lord of the rings all grey and sleep deprived. tomorrow is Jack Johnson, i'm pretty stoked. i get off work at 6 because apparently absolutely not one person at urban could cover it, which is really disapointing. but i'll live. 
damnit you know what i hate, distance. i wish the world was just one big city and everyone lived like within 10 minutes of eachother. or i wish we could walk really fast and get to other countries in like half and hour. that's what i wish. i wish Prince George replaced Burnaby so i could skytrain there. screw you, distance. 

1 comment:

oceanobsession said...


I am forever dedicated. Yes it is obvious that in the 4th season they changed around the script writers and yes it is much more corny. But there is a reason that its still on the air and its rival OC is not.
