Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"you're the guy that get's left by his wife"

today i danced quite a bit. well, sort of. i did alot of cheesy broadway moves. 
i've decided parkerlyfe lacks something. i think it's videos. i'm going to start video taping segments of my life, it will ALLL be reality nothing will be rehearsed like the hills. it's straight up parkerLYVIN. yes, that's what i'll call it. YES!!!!!
other than that, i went to school 30 seconds after i woke up so i looked and felt wonderful today. good thing i didn't have to go to work. that would have sucked showing up in sweat pants and a hoodie. fired.
other than this exciting times, i ran N-Grub today again with just emma and we are the worst employees there so that was a bust. we pretty much served frozen hot-dogs saying they were cooked. next thing you know i'm going to be appologizing on TV like the maple leaf guy for all the deaths i've caused due to samonela hot dogs and un-boiled water. *sigh*
tonight there is a big meeting for the Bye Bye Birdie's cast PARENTS where they can get all the info they want. i could go if i wanted but really i don't. the rents will go and get my schedule which will help me alot in the upcoming decisions of when i'm available to work. ahhh.
so, today wasn't as exciting as yesterday. whatever. i'll end my post with 5 interesting facts about myself which you probably never knew.

1. i have no canine teeth, they were grinded to oblivion. 
2. i hate all things to do with pickles.
3. i was a jaundice baby and i had to lay in the sun my first 2 weeks of life to turn me from simpson to human.
4. my biggest fear is needles.
5. i bite my finger nails.

parkerlyfe, out

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

bigger things

hello friends.
today was nice. i guess. i ran the school store in the morning, we ran out of the pizza pops so some customers were not impressed. i'm going to be a sucessful entrepreneur one day...maybe. then, i had math, and yes i'm still doing all my homework! hurra! A+ is coming my way!!!!!!!!!! i only have 5 letter grades to go up! marketing, whatever. accounting, whatever. there that was my day at school. after school, i was pleasantly surprised to get a call from Naomi! one of my favorite people who moved home from edmonton, coincidently the same time that jen left. hm. was this some sort of a plan? anyways, i caught up with Naomi and ate fish and chips and just made me extremely happy because i've missed being around fun people. it's seems like the past few months i've met some dull people that have entered and left my life quickly and quietly. oh well, i can't keep up. cool!!!!!!!!
i talked to rachel on the phone today for a bit and discussed quite a few things and i feel really good about stuff. really good! i'm happy that this long distance relationship is lasting despite everyone booing it and throwing tomatoes at it. when life gives you tomatoes, i say fuck that tomatoes and bail! haha, forgetting sarah marshall joke. good movie.
not everything was good today. i'm a little bit aggravated by some decisions that my friends make, not to say i dont love em' any more or less, just aggravating. oh well, i can't make up my friends minds. even though if i could think of all the posibilites.

ahhh :)

but back to reality, it's not going to happen. shit, i need to go to the gym. i'm staring at my gut right now and sooner or later i'm going to be the un-movable man perched in his laz-e-boy. that's a beautiful image. i wonder if urban outfitters would let an excesively obese man work for them? they would probably demote me to backstock only.
the biggest news of the day was that my couchs came back from the warehouse after a long few months without anywhere to sit in my house but the floor. stupid renovations, can't wait for them to be OOOVER!
tomorrow is the first rehearsal for the musical. the first of many, i might add. attention all urban employees, my decision is made. i've decided i'm going to be working something out with management of urban and the director so i will not be quitting UO any time soon! my future is bright! i know, i know, keep clapping. things are getting bigger and better for the lyfe of parker mcmullin, and they are not stopping here. wooooo!
parkerlyfe, out.

Monday, October 13, 2008

maybe it stands for dinde, like turkey in french.

it's raining in new westminster, i don't know about wherever you live. 
at the moment, i'm planning my grad party. j-dubs like to throw huge grad parties for their kids because we can't have birthday, christmas, halloween, new years or any other parties, so the grad parties are usually pretty out of control. i want a theme. don't know what it's going to be yet. maybe gypsy grad.

today i get to work with jen kenny one last time before she abandons british columbia. that's sad.
my long weekend hasn't been too much of a waste, but hopefully today something outrageous will happen that i can talk about for the week. someone do something interesting or else i'll have too. 

ps, the kitchen will be done in one week! holy damn! ever since parkerlyfe was created, the kitchen has been a subject of bitching. finally, it may come to an end. 


Sunday, October 12, 2008

i was just thinking.

i'm sitting here just frusterated as ever thinking about my future which i feel is an abyss. 

why is this year stressing me out so bad? i need serious help! what am i going to do in 9 months when i'm in the world and out of highschool...

time is ticking and parkerlyfe is not doing anything about it. oh no.

rusty trombone

today was a interesting day!!! not.

yesterday, when i was at earls, i thought about how much i hated the pad thai i was eating. it tasted like the liquid at the bottom of the recycling bin. but i ate it anyway when crystal brought to my attention the fact that African kids would die to drink that recycling water and that i should just be happy with the fact that i have pad thai. now i feel like a jerk. shit, they probably would even eat those drink coasters made of cardboard. maybe one day i'll do something with my lyfe and go to africa and help those babies, but then again i probably wont. that would be really cool though so everyone should go do that so i can live vicariously. 
it's sunday night tonight and guess what everyone i don't have school tomorrow and you probably don't either, because it's thanksgiving! joy! even though i don't celebrate thanksgiving, i am thankful for a few things. i guess i'm pretty lucky to have a nice house, i could live in a hut or a battered children's shelter. that would suck. i'm happy that i have food, but not really because all it does is fatten me up. but i'm thankful anyways i guess. what else am i thankful for, probably my phone and ipod, my cool friends, rachel because she's a babe, the fact that i have legs and arms because i've seen some people lately who can't be thankful for that. !. also, trident white, accutane, and i can't think of any thing else i'm boring myself with all this positivity. 
today i saw the guy with a hole in his head. i feel like he was making sure i noticed it...yeah i did.
rehearsals for the big time musical start and teen boy number five is preppin for his debut as a star. cool.
last night, i thought you should know, i basically washed my face and clothes with beer because i'm a genius. oh yeah, i'm thankful for my HUGE brain and unmatchable IQ. because really where would i be without all that knowledge. 

parkerlyfe readers, thanks for reading and being dedicated. i'm going to make shirts soon for you all. maybe. throw some ideas at me for a new layout and whatever.