Friday, July 25, 2008

negativity free

looking back at the last week of posts, i'm kind of a downer. time to switch it up! 

i'm going to write a TV show all about Urban Outfitters. one day it's gunna be huge! even as good as the OC. 
just think of all the interesting character possibilities. 
i was also thinking the other day about blogs and really how restricted they are. there are so many things that i would love to just blog away about, but it's hard to because you never know he's going to stumble across your page, especially when it's just flat out on the internet. i dont want any problemos. 
playland was also alot of fun, i went on the revelation and drop zone one after the other and felt proud of myself for a) actually doing it and b) not soiling my pants.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

taking it to the next level.

New and improved layout.
Same whiny Parker.

this is not an exageration

worst experience ever coming home from work today. after my short 7-12 shift i got a crepe which after eating was lodged in my whatever that tube that your food goes down in. this was bad i thought i might die. k but this is not the point. while i was pondering how single and alone i really am, which just so happens to be VERY single and mostly alone, things got worse when my eyes almost started bleeding at the sight of the two most awkwardly in love people sucking face on the skytrain right across from me. it was not beautiful. i tried to ignore it but the image is still burned into my head. here's a mental image that i'll share with you. 
the man. probably 100 pounds. pale and hairy. beautiful yellow teeth. definitely a comic fan or a computer tech. probably has a collection of magic cards. 
the woman, equilly thin, chinese, i'm assuming spoke no english and probably just imigrated from asia. 
anyways, now that you know what i'm talking about, picture those 2 intensely making out, and i mean i saw that slobber and the white crusties on their tongues. this happened for a while until they got bored of just plain old making out and moved on to bigger more exciting things, like (i'm not even joking) turning her tna hoodie backwards and putting the hood over her face and making out with that between them. i don't see how this pleasured either of them...but i do know that when they were done there was a classy slobber mark on the back of her hood which i couldn't help but laugh at. they nuzzled noses, made kissy noises and even just licked eachothers tongues for fun until they got off at Royal Oak thank god i almost had to get out of the train and wait for the next train for me to jump in front of. i hope you have the mental image seared into your brain forever.

on happier news, i may actually get to go to playland tomorrow! yyay! i also did pretty good on cash despite sweating our half my body weight in nervousness. 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

why so serious?

batman ruled. everything about it ruled. 
the 2.5 hour wait did not, however. we sat on the floor at colossus langley for evs and didn't even make friends with people in line. the guy behind us was some creepy 50 year old man by himself with a batman shirt on. i could have made friends with him but then i figured i best just leave him alone, just as he came. the lineup crew consisted of spencer and his latina/chinese girlfriend lindsay, another couple named taylor and leah, and kolaiah with her new boyfriend billy. and me. tout seul. all alone. yes, i was the only single one there, and the only one feeling extremely awkward. i will not talk about how awkward it was, but feel free to ask. theres more to the story.
i ate popcorn chicken which is a sign my 50 pounds loss goal to match the emo teens is not going well. i have, however, decided maybe i'll start chain smoking 10 packs a day and soon lose my entire appetite and plumet into a baffling 100 pounds. YES! 
i also lost my wallet, i think it's with lindsay. i was planning on buying things today before work but that idea was shot down when i discovered my wallet was no where to be found. now, i'm home after my 3.5 hour shift which wasn't all that bad. my socialite parents have company over, company which i dont like. well i like the couple. they used to be models which i like to have in my home. the kids, not cool, not even models. back in the day, it just so happened they snuck into my large bathroom and hid while i had a shower. sooo creepy. even though they are's creepy and they know it! you never even know, they could have taken pics and leaked them onto the net like vanessa hudgens! damn kids. oh well if that happened at least i'd have a better fame shot. all you need is a boost!