Friday, July 18, 2008

the future

i thought about putting miracle grow in my hair today, or watering it with plant food. i wonder what that would do...has anyone ever tried that? 
i'm also trying online banking because i really don't even know how much i got paid. too bad i'm a failure at everything...including online banking.
i'm really tired of all my clothes. i'm going to use all the money i have (once i found out how much i actually have from online banking) and use it on new clothes. there is a good idea, even though i need so many other things like say a car. hmm. 
also, my mom asked me today why i never talk to her and i told her because i have nothing to say to her, since everything i say is mean or wrong apparently. then she told me that i should move out for a couple of weeks so i can appreciate home. i'm thinking about it. just when and where is all i have to know. 

i have nothing else to say. i don't have much to say these days actually. maybe because i've decided not to care about anything at all. i've given up on most things. 

Thursday, July 17, 2008

short shifts and dancing downies

yesterday, i worked 1-5. i don't know how i feel about those shifts but it happened. 
the job fair was in full force and some of the people that came in that i saw were horrifying. sorry. but on the other hand i did see one absolute babe. i hope she gets hired and gets put in Mens. also, on greet, a lady who must have been about 55-60, was getting way to into my customer service. she had no hesitations asking if her ass looked nice in the colored BDG's, and showing her entire ripply stomach to get me to tell her what size she should be. 

she went for the grey 27's, if you should all want to know.

after work, some UO pps went to a japanese place where the foreign waitresses messed up everything that they could and took an hour to make tempura. not impressed!!!!!!
ANWAYS this was fun it was like a UO outing and we all tots bonded. there was some major talk about autisitic kids that we actually love and the dancing downies at NWSS who dance to Hakunamatata. They really do deserve an award. I've decided that maybe I will bring Miriam (one of the downies) to prom, because she's so cute.

After this bizarre things started to occur, and we met some nexopia people. Yes, we met up with Danielle G's internet friends. The TEENS! weoo! not as creepy as it sounds but not as fun either. It made me feel really obese being around all the emos. I wonder how long it would take me to lose 50 pounds!? I will tell you when i do. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

moving right along


i knew i should not have started a blog i'm already getting addicted to this. soon, i'll turn into some creepy middle aged man resembling old gregg who just sits in his basement blogging for hours without sleep or food. someone please warn me if i start acting like this might turn into a reality.

so my estranged cousin jeff mcmullin came into town today and i havent seen him since i was 8. i think a few things have changed. on the brightside, he didn't have to see me when i was obese and full of acne fortunatley for him. it was kind of an awkward meeting, i wont lie. but then again who is buddy buddy with estranged cousins?

max got into a fight today with a squirril and he did not win. stupid dog. i feel bad for him though cause he's whimpering on his paw that got bitten by the squirril. maybe now he will learn that when you shit on ipods, karma get's you! take that max.


i realized today that i have alot of fun at work. I sound completely lame but i haven't had many bad experiances...I'M GOING TO WORK THERE FOREVER! UNTIL I DIE! (i will let you know when a bad experiance happens)

i also realized that there are so many people that i havent seen in a long time that i really want to see. mainly naomi. maybe one day i'll move to edmonton and work at west edmonton mall or on the streets or something but i know it would be fun. 

also, really excited for batman. i'm seeing it in imax. YES!

tuesday woes

today i went to the beach and got nice and sun burnt. it feels wonderful. 
before i did that i slept in till 10 and got yelled at by my mother who hates me and loves my brother. for some reason, the fact that i have my own job, make my own plans, and have my own life angers her so i get yelled at. she asked my today when i was going to take a break from having fun and start helping on the kitchen, which is being renovated. she may have forgotten that i help pretty much every day and spencer (the brother) comes home from work and looks at the kitchen. yet he is never yelled at, just praised. i wish i was older and made more than 8 50 so i could move out. whatever i'm going to stop complaining.

something else interesting also happened to me yesterday. while my ipod was on the ground, my dog max decided it would be a nice place to shit on. so he did. i loved that. actually i almost threw up all over my shit covered ipod because it was so sick. stupid son of a bitch.

i did, however, finally give money to the hobo named Molly outside London Drugs on granville street. i felt like a humanitarist or whatever those people are called. anyways, i am satisfied with this as my first (well, second) post, so i will go rub some aloe vera on my nice peeling back now :)

The First Post

Blogs seem like fun.