Tuesday, July 15, 2008

tuesday woes

today i went to the beach and got nice and sun burnt. it feels wonderful. 
before i did that i slept in till 10 and got yelled at by my mother who hates me and loves my brother. for some reason, the fact that i have my own job, make my own plans, and have my own life angers her so i get yelled at. she asked my today when i was going to take a break from having fun and start helping on the kitchen, which is being renovated. she may have forgotten that i help pretty much every day and spencer (the brother) comes home from work and looks at the kitchen. yet he is never yelled at, just praised. i wish i was older and made more than 8 50 so i could move out. whatever i'm going to stop complaining.

something else interesting also happened to me yesterday. while my ipod was on the ground, my dog max decided it would be a nice place to shit on. so he did. i loved that. actually i almost threw up all over my shit covered ipod because it was so sick. stupid son of a bitch.

i did, however, finally give money to the hobo named Molly outside London Drugs on granville street. i felt like a humanitarist or whatever those people are called. anyways, i am satisfied with this as my first (well, second) post, so i will go rub some aloe vera on my nice peeling back now :)

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