Sunday, October 12, 2008

rusty trombone

today was a interesting day!!! not.

yesterday, when i was at earls, i thought about how much i hated the pad thai i was eating. it tasted like the liquid at the bottom of the recycling bin. but i ate it anyway when crystal brought to my attention the fact that African kids would die to drink that recycling water and that i should just be happy with the fact that i have pad thai. now i feel like a jerk. shit, they probably would even eat those drink coasters made of cardboard. maybe one day i'll do something with my lyfe and go to africa and help those babies, but then again i probably wont. that would be really cool though so everyone should go do that so i can live vicariously. 
it's sunday night tonight and guess what everyone i don't have school tomorrow and you probably don't either, because it's thanksgiving! joy! even though i don't celebrate thanksgiving, i am thankful for a few things. i guess i'm pretty lucky to have a nice house, i could live in a hut or a battered children's shelter. that would suck. i'm happy that i have food, but not really because all it does is fatten me up. but i'm thankful anyways i guess. what else am i thankful for, probably my phone and ipod, my cool friends, rachel because she's a babe, the fact that i have legs and arms because i've seen some people lately who can't be thankful for that. !. also, trident white, accutane, and i can't think of any thing else i'm boring myself with all this positivity. 
today i saw the guy with a hole in his head. i feel like he was making sure i noticed it...yeah i did.
rehearsals for the big time musical start and teen boy number five is preppin for his debut as a star. cool.
last night, i thought you should know, i basically washed my face and clothes with beer because i'm a genius. oh yeah, i'm thankful for my HUGE brain and unmatchable IQ. because really where would i be without all that knowledge. 

parkerlyfe readers, thanks for reading and being dedicated. i'm going to make shirts soon for you all. maybe. throw some ideas at me for a new layout and whatever. 

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