Friday, April 3, 2009

frosted tips and chokers are back!

i should not have got the extra plate of fries at white spot. ugh.
congratulations everyone on surviving till friday. the weekend has much in store for you, i saw it in the stars. as for my friday, nothing interesting happened except writing a timed essay which i killed BTW and learning that I subsequently have a rather large highschool fanbase. surprising, really, because what have I ever done to try and get noticed at school except roll around on the floor like a cat playing with yarn, wear all black because everyday i'm mourning, and push people out of my fucking way? apparently, this draws in the fans who consist of school girls and gay boys of all ages taking my picture of the bye bye birdie cast poster in the school, and apparently following me to my art class and stalking me for 1 hour and 15 minutes while I draw dead people and paint it red. this was brought to my attention over lunch at white spot, and i'm deeply concerned for my safety. perhaps a large 8-foot-tall african immigrant looking for a job could be utilised in this situation as a body guard. good thinking.
today happens to be the CAST PARTY for BBB people. it's probably going to be the biggest rager of THA YERR. why? first, it's in the drama room in my school. second, it ends at 10pm sharp. third, party+teachers=obviously rager. i can't wait. i'm bringing meatballs, even though I don't even eat beef. that's how self sacrificing I am! :)
i'm contemplating returning to the chemically straightened ways of hair. this week, i've lived the CURLYLyfe and I'm not sold on it. what would really solve all my problems is if i just had frosted tips and a bowl cut and frosty eyebrows. then i would be a happier man.
AS FOR WORK RELATED NEWS, I'm still on the fence about my promised return to Urban Outfitters. yes, i know. shocking. mainly because the only hours left for good ol' p-lyfe are I've got plans for every weekend till's not looking so hot. A summer job would be nice though. i need money for the trip to Montreal i'm taking. drinking age=18=parkerlyfe boozin. who even knows.
k have a good weekend. hopefully I don't go MIA for 3 months again.

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