Thursday, April 2, 2009

bitch fights

current state: eating a leftover burrito and reading about the Top 10 car thiefs in B.C. i wonder if i know any of them. they all look like potential best friends.

i came home today from a awful day at school which i will tell you about in a second, only to find my people taking TV's out of my house while i was trying to get in. i thought i was getting robbed so i had a panic attack and hid instead of trying to stop anything, but it turns out it was just my dad's minions who work for him taking out our TV's to downsize. apparently we've had 4 spare TV's laying around my house i probably didn't even notice them. under a pile of laundry or something. who cares now, they're gone.

my stupid dog, who yes, survived the 3 months i ceased blogging, used this opportunity of "long periods of time with the door open" to break free from the 11 years he's spend with me and the rest of the clan and take off. this of course meant me wandering down the streets with a burrito waiting for me on the table, pissed off, wearing socks walking on my neighbours lawn to stop my in the midst of shitting dog. that's when the yelling began and the son of a bitch started running away from me. damn he's fast. finally, he made his way back into the house and begged for a treat and i almost killed him. now he's just sauntering around my house like he did nothing wrong. screw you maxi!

today at school, i was questioned for reportadley bullying the retards. Martin (the teacher) told me he's been hearing i've been treating the special needs girls cruely. i am pissed off, i never did anything of the sort. i tried pondering what i could have possibly done or even said to her and this is the only situation i could come up with.

Parker: "gahhh there is something in my eye. i hate this"

Girl: (blank stare)

Parker: "what do you do when you having something in your eye?"

Girl: "i don't know?"

Parker: "can you blow in my eye for me or something, jesus this hurts!"

and that's how i became a bully. bah.

surprise surprise, i got my english marks today and i'm getting the best mark. who the hell would have thought.

in french, i proceded to eat 4 pieces of paper covered in highlighter and pen ink, which i immediatley regretted after. people's boring ass speaches about Canada drove me to this insanity. HOT TIP: no one cares about canada.

tonight i get to watch Survivor, alone, because my family is going to the hockey game. oh well, i'll just cheer on the people while i eat a helmet full of yogurt. the parkerlyfe is a good lyfe. tomorrow should be good?

happy thursday eagles. fly!

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