Tuesday, January 27, 2009

starting where i left off.

the rumours are true, i haven't blogged ALL year! sorry parkerlyfe readers, i'm sure you've all been starving for the latest dish on my lyfe in 2009, because too be honest...it's been unlike my 2008 life. for real.
let's see. last time i blogged, i don't remember what i said. i was on my way to a new years party which is where the beginning of my wild 27 days begins.
this year, i've managed to change a few things. i went to that crazy new years party where i made tons of new friends and felt like my life was going to take off from there. i also became single in the first week of this year, which is a pretty big change. i've been downtown almost everyday and rehearsing for bye bye birdie which is coming up sooner than later. i've partied, partied some more, and partied a little more and managed to find myself in a hurricane of new people and before i've been able to grasp it, i've fucked up a little bit which has made me lose friends and make enemies, unfortunately for me. i've driven alot and i'm getting my N soon and i've completed the first semester of grade 12, which means i've only got 1 more semester left until i'm a real human. who would have thought.
i saw Lil wayne which was a party and a half, getting second hand high off the entire stadium.
my memory doesn't stretch back that far while i'm writing on the spot, so if you ever have the chance you can ask me and i'll feel free to tell you the outrageous details.
but enough with the recent past, and on with the present and future. i've got way too much on my mind right now. college applications are due. ugh! i need to get on that ASAP. i've got rehearsals and i've got more parties to plan. i'm thinking of drastically changing the way i look and it could happen as early as this weekend. you wouldn't believe the changes coming my way.
also, i barely have time for parkerlyfe anymore, so don't be upset that there's not very up to date shit.

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