Thursday, September 4, 2008

just like highschool.

summer is over. IT'S OVER! i officially will never get a summer vacation ever again. oh god. i'm getting old. reality is starting to kick into my life like i never thought it would. i have to apply for post secondary. i have to think of what to put in my grad write up. i have to finish my grad transition plan. oh lord this year is going to be stressful...i can already tell.
so i know i've had no time to blog because i never get a milisecond to myself. i'm either at school slaving or at work hustling. either way, not blog time or parker time.
so as i've mentionned i'm back in the highschool and hating it. i'm in math 12 and getting ready to be put in hell it's like the hardest course in highschool apparently. marketing is the shit because thats actually what i'm going to do after this show is over. accounting is annoying, mostly because i'm in the grade 11 class because i was too stupid to take it last year. oh well, i still kinda feel large and in charge. even though i shouldn't because i'm the odd one out. LAME.
nothing else to special happened this week expect being scared by a crazy bush dweller walking up from sapperton station. i was walking up the hill and i walked right by some guy hiding in the bushes i almost pooed myself.
oh and the best thing that happened this week would probably be the sapperton overpass opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no lame stairs! you would have to see it to understand how happy i am.
the rents come back tomorrow. i didn't even do anything interesting while they were gone. what a waste.
in a few weeks i'm going to prince george i dont know exactly when but hopefully i'll get the time off work or else...well who knows what.
i'm listening to that song i'm yours by jason mrazz or however you spell it. reminds me of someone. :D
grad pics coming up as soon as i get them everyone will see them all around the world. i hope they are controversial like miley cyrus' nude pics or the first pics of britney's vag.

parkerlyfe readers, i love you all.

1 comment:

oceanobsession said...

hey love its naomi
i know i suck i never blog. i really dont have anything interestihg to say unlike you. so i think i will just live behind your wit and charm. Deal? Deal.
your grading this year omggggg thats nuts. i miss high school. sometimes. i dont know what im doing to do with myself... im starting volenteering with big brother. im thinking of beind a counceler or something for kids. fOr difficult adolecents like I was. I think thats a job that would suit me good. Im also joining yoga with my 3 roommates (yes i did say 3 roommates, thats 3 women living in a townhouse with one shower). But I love it... always have someone to watch the hills with hahaha. wow this is supposed to be a comment, maybe i should get my own blog. or use the one i signed up for haha. i dont even remember what i called it...
anyways ill ttyl. love you friend!!!