Wednesday, October 8, 2008


it's time to start reliving the parkerlyfe. it's been far too long. i feel lost without blogging, like a cat without it's whiskers running into things and just failing everything. it's good to be back to whine and complain about my lyfe. yup, you've definitely missed out on plenty of things in my lyfe the past 2 weeks that this blog has been lifeless, but i'll try and give you a brief review of 2 important things.
-i went to prince george it was great me and rachel are great! 
-i didn't get the lead in the musical, in fact, i'm just Teen Boy #5. yayyy....
the rest of that 2 weeks was pretty much just filled with me sitting there on the couch looking at my math textbook but not doing any thing, going on facebook, text messaging, eating insane amounts of Piroline Rolled Wafers and Noodle Time, drawing useless pictures and throwing them away, an listening to some new songs. 
yupp, it's a good life.
today i ran N Grub, the school store that i'm forced to run thanks to me taking Marketing class. it's very hectic. i thought running a store for the school would be good old fun but not when it's being run out of a janitors closet and you can't use a microwave and toaster at the same time without losing all power. my school needs serious welfare. so i'm left sitting in the dark re-heating pizza pops for grade 8's who can only afford food for toonies. another interesting thing that happened today was me getting my math test back. i got a whopping 36% just proving how much of a genius i really am. Harvard! Yale! they are all fighting for who gets me. 
i wish.
it's more like i'm fighting to get into Sprott Shaw Community College (since 1903) to make a living and possibly work at the dollar store until i'm 71 and everyone will know me as the sad old man that works at dollarama. it's all because of this one math test. i'm a winner!
my friend got an apartement downtown which i'm thrilled about, now i have a place to stay and i dont have to leave downtown before one to catch the skytrain home! my lyfe is just beginning! yes yes yes! Stone Temps here i come!!! oh wait, i forgot my id got taken away from me so i guess i'm gunna have to be satisfied with Famous Players for now. only a few more days/years until i'm 19! 
on Oct. 6, it was my 6 month urban anniversary! yay! half a year at that joint! i didn't think i'd last more than a month with all those intimidating trendy hipsters. cool! unfortunatley for all my Urban workmates/dedicated parkerlyfe readers, my future at Urbie is dark. being teen boy number five requires lots of practice, apparently, and the schedule is really un-reliable. i dont want to have to keep r/oing shit and asking for shift covers and calling in management is just gunna hate me even more. i'm really sad about thinking about this because i'm not done leaving my mark on Urban. i wish i had a solution! give me a solution! SOMEBODY COMMENT ME A SOLUTION! ugh. 
some big news, naomi is returning soon! yes! delaney and kayla are getting married on the 25th! exciting underage weddings, i love them. 
and as you may know i'm devestated about jen kenny's news of the month. ugh.
anyways, i promise that i'll be keeping up with my blog more now. i don't know why i stopped.


1 comment:

Rant said...

Pretty sure we can work something out so you can live your dream of teen boy #5.