Thursday, October 9, 2008

parkerlyfe was one of my grad writeup nicknames. hot damn.

today, i managed to accomplish my goal of getting my life on track by finishing all my math homework and doing well on the accounting test. hurra! maybe Sprott Shaw isn't my future...maybe Douglas now. anyways no one cares to read about school because it's super lame.
i got my grad photos today, after moshing through the crowd of grads to get them. at first it was kind of a line and then they pretty much just plopped all the pics on the ground and expected people to be patient, but that didn't happen. so after fighting my way through the rampaging seniors (of highschool, not like old people) i finally got my hands on them and 50 percent of them are horrifying. my yearbook one reminds me of a dumb watermelon head with a big nose and dumb hair. and i can't even think about the ones in that fake library with my lame hat and scroll that i'm probably not going to even recieve. some are good, but most are bad. i'm slightly disapointed. whatevs. it happens.
tonight is survivor and i'm hoping my survivor pool pick doesn't get eliminated because then i would be out of the competition of winning a sweet shirt that says "Survivor Pool Champion Fall 2008". I've never won before. I probably never will. ARGH! one day, i'll rig it so i can get my hands on the fucking shirt.
i've got nothing really else to say today. rachel got her phone taken away so i haven't talked to her all day which is making me uneasy since i've talked to her everyday for 2 months....err. 

oh, i also went and saw a movie today for the first time in months! it was How to lose friends and alienate people, something that i'm very good at. it was really funny and was full of transexuals and brits. 
i've also come up (well actually xtal did) with another genius way to get myself into another club! it's fool proof! i can't post it on the blog though, i dont know who reads it. MUAHAH! success is mine! 

i hope everyone is living a great parkerlyfe, i know mine's not to shabs. 

1 comment:

Danielle Raianen said...

and galgore is one of my grad write up nicknames