Tuesday, July 15, 2008

moving right along


i knew i should not have started a blog i'm already getting addicted to this. soon, i'll turn into some creepy middle aged man resembling old gregg who just sits in his basement blogging for hours without sleep or food. someone please warn me if i start acting like this might turn into a reality.

so my estranged cousin jeff mcmullin came into town today and i havent seen him since i was 8. i think a few things have changed. on the brightside, he didn't have to see me when i was obese and full of acne fortunatley for him. it was kind of an awkward meeting, i wont lie. but then again who is buddy buddy with estranged cousins?

max got into a fight today with a squirril and he did not win. stupid dog. i feel bad for him though cause he's whimpering on his paw that got bitten by the squirril. maybe now he will learn that when you shit on ipods, karma get's you! take that max.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol mangina.